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Solie Osorio
Sep 16, 20204 min read
W.A.P, Cuties, and the Culture
It seems like our world has stooped to an all time low with the release of rap song W.A.P, and movie Cuties, but is the really as bad as...

Solie Osorio
Aug 19, 20205 min read
Was John MacArthur Wrong? : Women in the Pulpit
“Go home.” That was John MacArthur’s response when given the words “Beth Moore” in a word association game. “Go home.” That was John...

Solie Osorio
Jul 10, 20205 min read
Women Are Not the Solution: In Response to Jen Hatmaker
A Christian influencer recently wrote that women are the solution to virtually all of society's ailments. Is this really the kind of...

Solie Osorio
Jun 27, 20204 min read
How I Became Empowered as A Black Woman - and How You Can Too
I’m a half-black woman in America. Many would say that I’ve been given the short end of the stick, as I am presumably in the fight not just.

Solie Osorio
Jun 12, 20204 min read
What Women Deserve
21st century women have an entitlement problem. I have seen this first hand as a woman myself, and even more so, as a minority woman....

Solie Osorio
Jun 9, 20204 min read
7 Lessons for My Brown Skinned Boy
1. You’ll be judged for your character, not color.
Some may see appearance, but they will judge based on actions. If you love God...

Solie Osorio
Jun 2, 20205 min read
It Starts at Home
Does anyone find themselves super discouraged by the things going on in our world? As I write this, this insanity that was the...

Solie Osorio
May 7, 20205 min read
"Never Do Anything for A Man"
I love cooking for my husband! I’ve discovered that cooking is a creative outlet for me. But it’s more than that. Being able to serve...

Solie Osorio
May 7, 20202 min read
Like Women, Like Men
I don’t know if women realize how masculine they have become in their pursuits to tear down and bust through “toxic” masculinity.
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