It seems like our world has stooped to an all time low with the release of rap song W.A.P, and movie Cuties, but is the really as bad as it gets?

If you have been up with recent trends, you may have heard of the newly released song W.A.P by artists Cardi B. and Megan Thee Stallion. The song is complete trash and I would not recommend looking it up, nor will I tell you what it stands for. Please, just trust me. This degrading and vile song has over 93 million views, and was #1 on Billboard the week it was released. While I have not seen the music video, and never plan to, I am aware that the women wear nearly nothing, accentuating and drawing attention to their breasts and other body parts, intentionally sexualizing themselves. The explicit song is about a woman's private parts, if that gives you an idea of the filth.
You may have also heard of the movie Cuties that caused great uproar due to a promotional poster by Netflix. It featured 11-year-old girls posing provocatively in teeny clothes with a description stating that the main character "becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew," who "starts to explore her femininity, defying her family's traditions." I originally gave the film the benefit of the doubt in my first draft, as I had read many articles defending it, but have since been made aware of its contents. This film is supposedly an effort to combat media hyper-sexualizing little girls- meanwhile, it literally hyper-sexualizes little girls. Imagine a movie made in efforts to combat child abuse- and the children are actually abused on camera. Yeah, insane. The things these children do in the movie is abnormal and unlike anything most 11 year old girls experience. The sex and nudity in parental reviews is labeled “severe.” “Soft porn” is a fitting description I’ve seen floating around the internet. Pedophiles will have a heyday with this movie, while little girls everywhere are corrupted and brainwashed into believing that the behavior of these actresses is normal.
A lot of outrage and disgust surround these topics. While it may seem shocking that such immoral subjects gained so much popularity, we have to realize that it’s not really surprising that culture is embracing hyper-sexuality. We know that these are not anomalies or really out of the norm for this day and age. Consider these statistics:
-Over 3,000 abortions are performed every day
- People lose their virginity on average at the age 17
-90% of people have premarital sex
So here we are: a society that murders babies, families are falling apart, people no longer choose to honor God with their bodies, Christians are accepting unnatural relations between men and women of the same sex, and now between adults and children. Homosexuality has been on our T.V.’s for a long time now. Transgenderism is becoming ever more mainstream. How many movies and shows have we seen with premarital sex? Netflix comes out with a movie where little girls act inappropriately- and we are shocked. But is it really that surprising considering how immoral and godless our world has become?
It can be discouraging, but I write this to remind you that we have an opportunity to set the tone! As Christian women, we have an obligation to Jesus to live above the fray and honor Him with what we do. We have an obligation to our sisters in Christ to set an example and spur them on towards good. (Hebrews 10:24-25) We have the privilege of training up and protecting our daughters. We can instill in them values of modesty, purity, and chastity. This is why I am such an advocate for women staying at home with their children, and why I am strongly in favor of homeschooling. Children need to be raised by strong families with strong morals and faith. When the family is weak, this is what we see. Then their moralless, faithless children grow up, go into society and promote abortion, promiscuity, immodesty, hate, and anger.
It may seem shocking, but the W.A.P’s and Cuties of the world have always been, and always will be, until Christ returns. But we don’t have to be afraid of how demoralized our culture is becoming. We can trust that God is still sovereign.
The world wants to corrupt and brainwash young women and little girls. It wants women to read, watch, and partake in sexual immorality. It wants women to have the same degrading and vile mindset about sex as Cardi B, and they want us to think that twerking in tiny clothes is feminine and acceptable behavior for girls. Women and girls are being told to embrace their sexuality- “This will lead to empowerment! This is real femininity!” No. What this is, is evil. We cannot accept this as the norm. We cannot let these people into our homes, cars, education, music, and books. We cannot continue to let women be deceived into thinking this behavior is natural and good. We can no longer allow these wicked people to lie to us about what a woman is. We do not need to embrace or explore our sexuality. (Sexuality should be reserved for a husband and a wife only. It is not something you need to figure out. It is not something you should revel in. It’s not a game, it’s not for entertainment, and we should take it seriously.)
It may seem shocking, but the W.A.P’s and Cuties of the world have always been, and always will be, until Christ returns. But we don’t have to be afraid of how demoralized our culture is becoming. We can trust that God is still sovereign, sitting on His throne, and He intends to use every one of His children for His Kingdom and glory, as to be salt and light in this darkness.
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With love,
Solie Osorio
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