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Women Are Not the Solution: In Response to Jen Hatmaker

Writer's picture: Solie OsorioSolie Osorio

A Christian influencer recently wrote that women are the solution to virtually all of society's ailments. Is this really the kind of message Christian women should be following?

In one of my many mindless social media sessions, I came across an Instagram profile, and did some “stalking,” as one does. I was quite intrigued with the profile of a woman by the name of Jen Hatmaker. She had just written a book and was promoting it. This is what Jen wrote in one of her posts:

I wish I could actually explain how much I believe in women. I sincerely believe we are the answer to virtually everything that ails society. I trust our instincts and desires and gifts. We want things that are good and true and lovely, no matter what this world has always said about our desires. Trust yourself this week.”

All over social media, in our churches, and perhaps even in our homes, us women are being taught that we are the crème de la crème. That we are flawless, no matter what. Pair that with our unique feminine qualities, and we're basically saviors!

This is not meant to be an attack on Jen Hatmaker. I do not write this out of any sort of contempt towards her. Honestly, it doesn't really matter who exactly said this, the fact is, this similar message is one being perpetuated by many Christian influencers. It is okay and actually good to point out when people are wrong, especially when it comes to those who claim to be Christians. This does not always mean you are being judgmental or condemning, or that you are unaware of any plank that may be in your own eye. Jesus models for us what this looks like, as do the apostles. We are also called to speak the truth in love. (See 1 Corinthians 5).

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

We need to be very, very, cautious of the women that we choose to follow. When they have the title of “Christian” we should be extra wary. "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:15). Wolves look pretty good in sheep’s clothing. They slip in false, unbiblical doctrine so smoothly and give it so much appeal. A simple way to spot a wolf is if their teachings sound very worldly- their "Christian" teachings will be more focused on self, and less on Christ.

This quote is commentary Jen wrote in promotion of her new book “Fierce,” which is about helping women become their “glorious selves” so that they can “ be so free, because [they] are not searching for value from any source other than [their] own beautiful soul[s] made piece by piece by God who adores [them] and is ready to get on with the business of unleashing [them] into this world.” It is meant to be a guide book for Christian women.

Itching Ears

Girls, listen, please! This message is not godly or good! It is wrong. To say that women are the answer to virtually every problem in this society is a lie. There are some women that follow after God, but there are also a lot of evil women that are being led by the devil, and who hate the truth. This quote has nothing to do with Christianity, nor is it something we as Christian women should accept. This is more of that women’s empowerment nonsense that I wrote about in this post. Messages like Jen Hatmaker's and others alike are so popular because we live in a time where people "will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths." It sounds like a nice message because it affirms life choices, puffs up our egos and makes us feel good, but it is not a message rooted in the truth.

In fact, many of the current problems our culture faces is a result of women, contrary to the popular belief that it is the patriarchy, aka white males (which is one problem that women have created). Women are the biggest advocates for causes such as abortion and feminism, that laugh in the face of God's design for womanhood, family, and the sanctity of human life. In fact, the first sin in the entire world was committed by a woman. Women’s sin nature wants us to be in control, to rebel, to be on top, to be guided by our emotions rather than wisdom, to do everything antithetical to who we were created to be. (And, yes, I am aware that men have their fair share of problems as well, don’t worry).

To ever think so highly of ourselves that we could fix society, is pride. Only Jesus is the answer. Only Jesus has what it takes to fix society. ...apart from the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, we are far, far, from being any sort of solution to societal ailments.

This is why women, married or not, need strong men in our lives. Strong men are those who wholeheartedly follow Christ, and we are to follow the strong men, their godly leadership, and their exemplary faith. We are naturally weaker than men. This is just the truth, and it is not an inherently bad truth, but the devil takes advantage of our being weaker, and makes some women to wreak havoc. So, does this mean then that men are the answer to “virtually everything that ails society?” No! (Although I do believe that more strong, godly men would make an incredibly positive difference.) Men can be just as sinful and fallen as women. To ever think so highly of ourselves that we could fix society, is pride. Only Jesus is the answer. Only Jesus has what it takes to fix society. We are used by the Holy Spirit as vessels to create true, lasting change, by spreading the Gospel and being a light. But apart from the help of the Holy Spirit, apart from the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, we are far, far, from being any sort of solution to societal ailments.

Jen says we should “trust ourselves this week.” Trusting ourselves is the problem! We should never trust ourselves. How do we create change by trusting ourselves? Look at where trusting ourselves has gotten society. Don’t we know that our hearts are deceitful above all things? We are supposed to trust in the Lord with all of our hearts! That leaves no room for us to trust in ourselves. We’re not supposed to lean on our own understanding, but rather, submit to God in all we do, and He will make our paths straight.

When you look at the chaos and evil of our world- the rioting, the looting, the poverty, the murder and abortions, the lack of godliness, the evil and manipulation, the abuse, the slavery, the divorce, the fatherlessness, the promiscuity- remember that God is the answer. He can, does, and will eternally fix all societal ailments. Don’t trust yourself this week. Trust God, the One who is powerful enough to create the change we all desperately hope for.

With love,

Solie Osorio

P.S. I'd love to meet you over on Instagram: here.

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