The day I turned 20, I got engaged. Four months later, we were married. Two months later, we found out I was pregnant!

How I Found Out
When Andre and I first started dating and talked about children, he wanted to wait 3 years. I was definitely opposed to that long of a wait haha! I would have only been 22 or 23 (we knew at that point that we wanted to get married), but I’ve had baby fever since I was a baby myself, and did not want to wait that long. I didn’t try to change his mind; I just let God do the work. A little before we got married, Andre decided we could try after a year/ year and a half. Before I knew it, he said six months. We were married at this point. By the time our second month of marriage rolled around we threw caution to the wind. We weren’t trying, but we also weren’t not trying. We were just having a good time without any pressure of “make sure you don’t get pregnant,” or “I really hope this works!” We actually thought it didn’t work, and Andre was hoping that something wasn’t off with either of us.
The Sunday before Thanksgiving, about two months after we got married, I was on schedule to start my cycle again. I had all of my usual pre-period symptoms. My period is always timely, I’ve never missed it, and the tracker app I used was never wrong in it’s prediction. When I hadn’t started by that afternoon, I started to have a sneaking suspicion that something was “off.” Because I felt crampy, I told Andre that my stomach hurt a little. He asked why, and I whispered that I had started (we were at a church event). It was basically dishonest, HOWEVER, I knew that by the end of the day or in the middle of the night I would start, OR I was pregnant. I had decided that if I hadn’t started by the time I woke up, I would sneakily take a pregnancy test and if I did end up being pregnant, it would totally throw him off and be an amazing surprise.
The next morning I woke up the first thing I noticed- no period. My mind was reeling as to how I would take a test without Andre knowing, and how I would surprise him. That entire morning, I was so nervous and needed to make up an excuse to go to my parents house so I could take the 80 cent pregnancy test I had bought a couple of weeks ago. I wasn’t necessarily nervous about being pregnant. It wouldn’t be surprising seeing as we used no form of contraceptive during my last fertile window (nor have I ever used any form of birth control, crazily enough!) I would have been surprised at how we got pregnant on the first try, and so early into our marriage. And taking a test is also nerve-racking because finding out you’re pregnant is such a HUGE deal, and you don’t want to get ahead of yourself with excitement if the test is negative.
I shut myself in the bathroom at my parents house, and took two tests; on one, two little lines popped up- on the other, the word “Pregnant” showed up. I was in shock! Ecstatic, but in shock. It was a “pinch me” moment. I couldn’t even process it. It didn’t feel real.
When I told Andre, he didn’t believe me at first. I showed him the test, and he was of course, elated. It just feels so right. We know this baby is a gift from God. I’m sure many people would have panicked, but we know God wouldn’t have given us this baby if He knew we weren’t ready. I’m so grateful for a husband who doesn’t hold on SO tightly to his vision of the future that he doesn’t leave room for the Holy Spirit to change our plans and direction- and let’s God dictate our steps! And now we have a little baby on the way!
"I’m sure many people would have panicked, but we know God wouldn’t have given us this baby if He knew we weren’t ready."
What Our Family Thinks
That day, we told Andre’s sister’s and dad, and his mom a few days later. They were so excited, and so surprised that it happened so fast. My family thought we were pranking them when we told them a few days after finding out (they know us too well). When they realized it wasn’t a prank, their reactions were very underwhelming. It’s not that they weren’t excited, but they just weren’t surprised (like I said, they know us well). We didn’t get any push back from our families. They are entirely supportive, and beyond excited! My parents wouldn’t have let me get married so young if they also thought I was too immature to ever be a mom. When you get married and are intimate, you never know, even if you plan to wait years and use tried-and-true birth control, so I personally believe you should always be mentally ready in case you do get an unexpected baby. Our families know that both Andre and I are mature, and my parents especially (me being their young daughter) trust Andre fully to care and provide for me and our baby. Once they handed off the reins to Andre, they knew that we would be able make our own lives, and create our own beautiful story.
What My Friends Think
As with our families, my friends are happy for us! They know that I’ve wanted to mother "for-and-ever" (guess that movie quote!), and are happy that my dream is coming true. A lot of them would even like to have children at a young age as well, so it’s not an entirely insane concept to have a friend with a baby on the way that is their same age. That being said, having a baby, and even a husband, changes the friendship dynamics, for sure. I can’t just go out with my friends on a whim. I have to make sure that Andre and I don’t have plans, and that the timing is appropriate. I don’t really have friends that are my age and in the same stage of life as me, so there aren’t many who can fully relate to what it’s like to have a husband and baby. This is what I signed up for though, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I felt a little FOMO at the beginning of my marriage, but then I realized that not doing the same things with my friends doesn’t make our friendship mean anything less. This is the season of life that I’m in. My focus is on my marriage and now on bringing a babe into the world. And I know my friends will continue to love and support me throughout the seasons.
What the World Thinks
We had a shotgun wedding. With such a short engagement, I know it can look like that, but I assure you I was a virgin till marriage (and was even lucky enough to have my period on our honeymoon! 😆). We won’t have any money. If there’s one thing we know, it's that God will provide. He has always provided for us. Not only do we live comfortably and well within our means, even if something were to happen, our families would be the first to help us out! Finances were never a factor when it came to planning for a baby, or even marriage. We knew we were meant to get married, so we did. Obviously we aren’t stupid. Andre had a stable job, and I worked as well, and we had lot’s of savings. On top of that, we (but mostly Andre) know how to handle finances. SO, money was never a fear. God always provides. But we’re too young. What better time to have a baby than when you’re young, healthy and fertile? Gotta put that sex drive to good use somehow! But you’ll miss out. You need to experience more of life. I wouldn’t have gotten married so young if I wanted the typical life of college, career, marriage, baby. Click here to read what I really want to do for a living. I’m not missing out on the wild life of partying and staying out late and going to clubs. I feel like not much else gives you life experience and the opportunity to “grow up” than bringing a baby into the world and raising him.
The world has all sorts of feels about pregnancy, especially for young women. Thankfully, we haven’t gotten much push-back face to face, but I’ve heard some of these objections directed at us through the grapevine.
There’s not much more in the world that is just right, like starting a family, husband and wife coming together in love to create a tiny little human. This is the happiest time of our lives! We cannot wait to meet our baby- it gets more and more real every day.
I truly hope this is an encouragement. Maybe you’ve had a bad view of young women being pregnant. Maybe you’ve gotten a lot of push-back for wanting to have children young. Maybe you and your husband/fiance are trying to figure out the best time to have children. Regardless, I hope you are able to see that having a baby is a truly life changing joy! There should never be fear surrounding pregnancy, because God is in control, He always provides, and he has a plan for each and every baby He knits together.
With love,
Solie Osorio
Listen to the full story here: