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Children Are a Blessing

Writer's picture: Solie OsorioSolie Osorio

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them.

Scripture always talks about children- childbearing and rearing- positively. In scripture we see that children are a blessing, they are a reward from God. Not only that, but it says “blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them” (the idea of having many children might scare you… but it shouldn’t)!

The sad thing is, our culture virtually hates children. Here’s what I mean. From the moment of conception, and until they are born, many see children disposable, and that their lives have no value. Some even call unborn children nothing more than parasites. Women who choose to stay at home with their children and women who choose to bear many children are looked down upon. Mother’s love to go on social media and complain about their children. Many act as if having children is some form of slavery. Child abuse and even the manipulation of children for gross agendas are rampant.

Many women don’t want children. They want to live for themselves and not be “held back” with children. They live for their careers. They want pets and plants instead of babies. They want sex, without the biggest “consequence” of sex- children.

Women, if God did not call you to single-hood and chastity; if you have a sex drive; and especially if you are married, you should want children. Women have been trying to suppress and belittle this desire for decades. It is natural for women (and men) to want children. It is a part of our biological design to bear children. This is truly feminine and ‘organic’. If children disgust you, scare you, or seem like they would inconvenience or burden you, realize that this is not from God, and it's not His voice you’re hearing! Society places emphasis on bodily autonomy, hustling in the workplace, and competing with men. Children can make doing these things very difficult. However, don’t let the devil make you believe the lies of our culture. God says children are a blessing!

When Andre and I were dating, we had a disagreement on when to have kids. We were taking a pre-marriage class with our church, and the pastor said something that changed everything. He read Psalm 127:3 and said, “We pray and ask God to bless us all the time! Peace that passes understanding is a blessing from God. A gift. Imagine telling God that you don’t want His gifts. ‘Not right now, God.’ Even, ‘Not ever, God.’ That would be silly! Children are the only blessings that we ask God to hold off on. Don’t we want more blessings from God?” Don’t we? So, why do we say no? Why do we say ‘ew!’? Why do we pretend we are incapable of motherhood? Or as if there are more important and better things we could be doing than raising up the future generations?

As I write this, I am nearing the time when I will have my first “blessing.” Yes, my body has changed drastically. I’ve gained weight, had aches and pains, and been sick. I know that there will be sleepless nights, poopy diapers, and sickness. I know there will be moments when I fail, or my child fails. I will have to sacrifice a lot. There will be much less time for my own hobbies. I will have to share more of myself, my time, and my things.

I have been privileged to grow up around many babies and children, and they truly are a joy and a blessing. The innocence within a baby’s laugh. The curiosity and imagination of children. The ability to love and nurture and give of yourself for the sake of these, oftentimes, helpless and clueless little beings. And although I’ve not experienced it myself, I have seen time and again the joy that having grown children who love their families and who love the truth brings. As 3 John 1:4 says - “ I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (NIV). Having children gives us a glimpse into the Father’s heart and love for His own.

Children are a blessing and a reward! Let's start seeing them as such!

With love,

Solie Osorio

P.S. I'd love to meet you over on Instagram: here.

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